Thursday, March 28, 2019

It's not all about ME!

NOT starting at the very beginning is refreshing because it allows me to talk about ANYTHING! Recently I have felt this nagging feeling that something is missing from my life.   Apart from the fact that I don't have much of one was something else.  I used to be really close to God and I have let that relationship stray.  I used to wake up with the joy of wondering "what will God bring for me today?" It was exciting and new each morning and I waited to see who or what he would bring into my life and how could I be a good steward of God's gifts that day. Sitting in my house all alone doesn't bring much opportunity and my depression and pain overwhelmed my desire for God. But I feel Him nagging at me...calling out to me...and I in turn am reaching out to HIM. I'm delving into His word again, and finding solace in it.  I'm worshipping with music and feeling joy in that. I haven't felt joy in a long time.)

This is a very exciting time for me and I wanted to share that with you.