Gracie shares her birthday with another favorite person of mine, my Grandmother...Grace would have loved her too, and Granny would have fussed over Grace as if she were the only little girl in the world!
I am a lousy Grandmother....I live too far away to be of any use, and being ill further complicates my capacity to be the silly, fun loving, crazy granny that I want to be. I know that you'll think I'm just bragging, but Gracie truly IS the most brilliant 6 year old ever! And it doesn't even need to be said...but I'll say it anyway....she is, and has always been (since the moment of birth...which you can't often truly say) the most beautiful girl ever!! I am a poor substitute for her Uncle "Map" (she can of course now say Matt but I cling to the days when I would say "Hello Gracie...it's Granny G..." to which she would respond..."where's Uncle Map?"...and there our conversation would end!! I think that if I had the undying force of thwe Energy Bunny I might rate higher in her book, but who can blame her!! There was a time when Matt needed an afternoon nap, but that had long since expired until he spent the day with Grace....and then they both needed one!! It's funny when you think about how when we're young, we can't wait to grow up, and do all the things that the adults do...and yet when we grow old, we spend most of our time thinking about when we, and everyone else was young!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday sweet Gracie
Happy Birthday to you!