Saturday, July 18, 2009

Chippy Church

The other day I was driving out to yet another medical test, and up ahead I noticed a tiny little chipmunk rushing out from the ditch and into the road. Anyone who knows me will know that I LOVE animals, and spent many hours rescuing different critters from an untimely death, so imagine my alarm as my vehicle bore down on this little creature.
"RUN CHIPPY RUN" I yelled, while I slowed down to let him pass safely ....feeling relieved that at his present rate he would successfully reach the other side....then all of a sudden he stopped in his tracks... sat upright in thought....his little tail pointed to the sky...and he did the unthinkable......he turned his cute tiny feet in the opposite direction and proceeded to retrace his steps.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I yelled and in seconds my right tire smucked chippy, and all I could see in the rear view mirror was his tail....twitching back and forth. It was done. He was dead.
At first I was angry with chippy...why had he run back under my tire...was he STUPID! and then I started to think about "looking back" and how since I've been ill, I've spent allot of time looking back...thinking about my own death...planning my own funeral...and defining myself as where I've been, rather than where I'm going...alive or dead!
So chippy taught me something...We can be scared of moving forward, and indecisive about where to go. We can cling to where we've been, and prefer to live in the past....In doing this we sacrifice the wonderful plan that God has ahead of us...however it plays out.
And that's all I have to say about that.

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