Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Brain Banners

I've had another couple of bad days, and I'm looking out of the window at sunshine and lilac blooms but I just don't have the energy to get up.  Yuck! But even though my body is drained and pained my mind (although encased by a throbbing brain) is flitting here and there so I'm trying to type a little blog so that I will have accomplished at least one thing today!  When my mind is "flitting" it darts back and forth, and my thoughts are in pictures...this can be both interesting and disturbing at the same time!  For instance (sorry anon) I always love to read the sliding banner on bottom of the screen on CNN (yes I said it...I watched CNN!) you know the slides by with tidbits of intriguing information that make me think "yes... I want to know about that" and then I'll either google it, or wait for the inevitable segment to come on.  So this afternoon I'm catching up on what that "Bumbling" terrorist is up to, (but that's a whole other story) the oil spill in the Gulf, and the riots in Greece, when across the banner streams this little gem...
...Man stabs 28 pigs...Man stabs 28 pigs...okay!... So I'm sure that was as startling a revelation to you as it was to me, and my mind began conjuring up all sorts of  images of how a man could stab 28 pigs. Did he corral them somewhere or did they line up? I mean...that's a whole lot of pigs in my mind...but then all kids of questions began rolling around in my brain and then, naturally, scrolled under the images of the man and the pigs...things like...where did he get 28 pigs?...why does he hate the pigs?...Is he on any psychotropic medications?...should he BE on any psychotropic medications!?! So while all this brain activity is going on another banner streams by...Man stabs 29 stabs 29 pigs!!!!! Say What??!!!
What is going on?? All my little brain synapses are in a twirl trying to get around this information! What must be concluded by this update?...They did a recount and updated the info ...or...the film crew is still filming this dude and he's up to 29 now...(it is CNN after all...they like that last breath stuff)...and now I can't change the channel because I'm not sure...maybe he's going for 30?!! Oh my...I've got to get over this tidbit story and move my brain on...but all that's following is this ridiculous segment about the "questionnaire" that people complete to become a naturalized citizen in the USA, and Rick Sanchez is upset that several questions in it concern whether or not you have ever been in a communist party...the Nazi Party...etc. and only...ONLY one question about whether or not you have been involved with a terrorist party!!!! It seems that the suggestions is, if there were more questions about terrorist activity and less about Nazi ism, this guy, and many others would have been caught sooner!!! 
Okay answers to questions...No...No...and again...No! I really don't understand the thought processes here, and why they require any time at all!!!!  What? there a terrorist code of ethics..??..
Thou shalt blow up all people with white skin but...
You shalt not lie!

I need a nap!

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