Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Climbing out of the Fibro Funk

The old brain waves are starting to rise in frequency, and it's not so quiet up there in my head!  Yesterday I managed to walk the dogs, do laundry, make my bed, chased down some bullies who were harassing Matt,coloured my hair and fed Matt  while watching a movie!!!!  That may sound like a pretty lame day to you, but for me it's bloody amazing!!It only took 2 1/2weeks in bed to get back to this point!  I'm not so sure that I should blame the Fibro for all the fatigue since there is a definite connection between the extreme fatigue and the brain wipe out.  It's really strange when you have to actively work in order to think something through.  When I'm in this state I quite literally have difficulty understanding conversations because my brain just refuses to process the information at regular speed.  I wonder if it's the Bi Polar 2 disorder, and that I'm kind of crashing but the Lithium keeps me out of the abyss?  Does that sound feasible?  I still get high sometimes too, but not as high as I did before the mind races, I can't sleep, and I try to do way more than I should physically, but what I hadn't pain attention to was the noise in my head.  If I scan through this blog I can see when I've crashed and when I've been "Up There". May be there's something we could do about it, since it kinda sucks to have to sleep for 2 weeks in order to get a couple of good days.....Oh but my goo those good days are!!!! Gotta go....I'm trying to "pimp" my blog to insert things called meta tags and other stuff...I haven't a clue what I'm doing so if I all of a sudden fall off the face of cyberspace I probably just inserted the wrong html code into the wrong XML space!!!!  If anyone out there knows this stuff please let me know!!!TTFN!


Tamara said...

Hi, I can so relate to you! I am also fybromyalgic. My doc calls me a 'functioning' fybro. But, energy is low, brain is in a fog sometimes and that high/low thing seems to be par for the course. I have not been diagnosed as bi-polar, but sometimes feel as if I am. We do appreciate, as you said, the good days so much! Lets celebrate the good days! Good health.

Unknown said...

Hey Tamara...Thanks for coming!!! Yes we really must appreciate the good days, and also have fun with the fog.... let's call it "The Fog Funnies". Glad ur hear....don't hesitate to share your own most memorable FF's!