Saturday, January 15, 2011


I didn't die...I just fell of the face of the earth for awhile!  Last year I was ill after the New Year, but this year I decided to get ill at my son's house where my moaning and groaning could be witnessed, and where Matt could engage with hujan beings while I wriggles and writhed aroubnd in my bed pumped up on Gravol, which did little or nothing to relieve my symptoms.  I drove home in this state, with the windows down for the first 2 hours, much to the dismay of my son and my dogs!  The alternative, I told them, would be much nastier than cold air!!! A week later, and I'm still weak, having lost 15 pounds in the process.  There are definitely better ways to lose weight, but I'll take what I can get.  So off to a new challenges, revelations...and I'm rooting for a new member of our family to be created!!!  I promise to do better with my postings, which dwindled down to nothing, and probably for the best as emotional pain is difficult to share.  At present I do not want to die, and Iwill hold out hope for a new season to my life.  My mother turned 90 this past month, and though I wouldn't want to be 90, it does leave aspirations to perhaps a second part of my life.  Who knows!!!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Glad to hear 2011 has some promise. You must feel better with the weight loss but you're right, what a way to get it off......or as Michael Douglas said at the Golden Globes...."there must be a better way to get a standing ovation"....