Thursday, February 3, 2011

My second promise for 2011 is......

....Not to make promises I might not be able to keep!!!!! The same old same old....take 1 51-2 year "old" woman....add a splash of hormonal instability..combine it with waves of depression, heart disease, and chronic, often debilitating pain and fatigue.....( have I left anything out?)...oh yes....memory problems that often lead to walking in circles around supermarket parking lots...wanting desperately just to give up and walk away from the loaded cart, in favour of some pain meds with a coffee and a 30 minute break (I really really really have wanted to do that soooooo many times) and speech know Heme Dopot...that sort of thing spills out of my mouth randomly and makes such perfect sense to me that I just can't understand why the checkout girl, and half the line behind me, are laughing!!!! I am again...another International Crisis, Egypt, (it's really hard to spell that...I want to put the y in before the g and then i have to change it!) What an amazing mess we humans are in, and how interesting it is to watch as our entire planet seems to be wrestling in the arms of God. I used to be pretty certain that 2012 was just a movie title, but now I'm beginning to wonder.....aren't you? I mean...come on....the snow's so high here the birds are walking to the feeders!!!!
By the way....hey to Ange...thanks for checking in on me!!!!
Remember....I only come out during International Crises!!!!!!


Anne said...

I see you.

Unknown said...

Thanks for that Anne...Can I go to the tree too? Looks wonderful!! I hear your suffering and literally do feel your pain! I like to think that though the "Hole" is is deeper. My daughter (in law) asked me what she could do when I am seriously depressed, and withdrawn, and I told her to keep calling even though I may not answer....say encouraging things about how I may be important to them even though I'm a quivering mess, and basically just love me through it, and try to make it not about my response, but more about maintaining a connection. Love is the most powerful medicine, and I was particularly touched that she asked me that question! No one else had!!! She's great... Yeah Jacquie! God bless Anne.

rana said...

am starting 2 believe 2012 would be a hell of something or the end of something ...if u visited tahrir square u will do belive that god is realy watching over and something big is happening 2 the world :(