Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Time for Tea?

As you know if you read this blog, I am ill, and have been for a long time...but before Fibromyalgia, I was quite a bit more active than I am now.  My Bi Polar also gave me a bit of an edge on the quirky side of active, but I always imagined that once my kids were raised I would go off on exciting adventures...may be to Africa or somewhere exotic.  Now I'm lucky if I get to walk the trails out in the back acreages behind my house!  Anyway...this new Nestea Commercial is kind of what I had in mind for my older years.....okay I wouldn't jump off a cliff (unless I was suicidal) but check it out and see if it's as close to your retirement plan as it is to mine! Also, as an after thought, diet Nestea (Green) is 0 calories and sweetened with.....No...not aspartame....Splenda :) !!! It is my new cold drink for my sore throat!  Hopefully I will lose some of the weight I gained drinking Canada Dry Ginger Ale :(

It's fun to Worry

Worry, is a pretty all encompassing feeling.  It can be how you might worry that you have food between your teeth when you're eating lunch with your new boyfriend....or it can be when you spot a police car behind you, and you wonder how many miles over the speed limit you've been driving, and if the police officer in that police car is are having a good /mediocre/ or bad day!  Then there's the really big worry, if you are Casey Anthony and you are sitting in a court room wondering if the 12 people about to determine your life or death fate, were touched by your dry weeping and dry heaving antics yesterday!
Well, now when I think of worrying I have a totally different image in my head, all, or in part due to this wonderfully entertaining commercial!  You have to watch it...even if it's slow to upload...yes I know how frustrating that can be, but trust me...this will put a smile on your face and a giggle in your throat!!! It's better than Valium, which puts you to sleep, and isn't cute at all!! Try it!! 

Monday, June 13, 2011


The other day I came across this picture of my mother and I remembered being so excited when I got to wear her dress!   It was a strange experience, since I felt really pretty in it, even if I was only "handsome" it made me feel better than that.  Look at her face!!! She's having a wonderful time.  Obvioiusly it's My Dad on the other end of the camera, and they were both so young and filled with hope.  Mom is now 90, and has more recently been moved to a nursing home, her dementia to the point of complete Dad told me the other evening,that he had been visiting with Mom and he said "she's still a beautiful woman"...that kind of love is very hard to find!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Caylee's nightmare

"Tell me please...on which aisle do you keep the Chloroform?" I don't know about the U.S., but we Canadians don't sell chloroform at the corner store, the grocery store, or even the fact we have placed Gravol behind the counter occasionally when our youth have become particularly fond of it ...Maya Derkovic, a fellow inmate of Casey's, recalls Casey explaining to her that she had used this as a means to settle Caylee down!! What happened to a cuddle and a lullaby?!!
I can't grasp what it takes to place a wet rag over your child's face until she stops long did that take?
Did Caylee look at her mother while she did it? 
Did she struggle against the very arms that were made to cradle her?
Too much to bear.  Death would be a welcome relief for most humans who may "accidentally" harm their children in a moment of craziness, but then to experience guilt/shame you  must have empathy, which of course, being the Psychopath that she is, she does not have. Frightening to think that she might get off, she might get out of jail, she might have another child, and there would be nothing anyone could do to stop her.

Oscar Mayer will be turning in his grave...

What used to be a simple summer staple for lunches, barbecue's and picnics, has now become tainted by another over zealous and endowed congressman who felt it was necessary to "share" his "lunch" with lots of friends!  This "dirty dog" was so lax in his shenanigans as to be outed by a Blogger, much to the shame and embarrassment of all those who know him, and especially those who love him, which is presumably his wife...or maybe now his mother (if she is alive). Although I feel sorry for her, and for his friends, I wouldn't imagine that  this man has too many friends, since his narcissism is glaringly apparent.  The next news break will be that he's gay! Oh well...who needs him! His wife would be far far far better off without him...Thank goodness they don't have children!  Not enough room in that ego for a child.
Now that I've said my little piece, I also would like to thank (heavy sarcasm) Wolf Blitzer of CNN for leaving me with that vulgar image which will now pervade my summers every time we have HOT DOGS for lunch.  Thanks Wolf!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Now there's this: Anthony Weiner, wife reportedly expecting first child

Now there's this: Anthony Wiener, wife reportedly expecting first child
OMG...just when I thought it couldn't get does!!!  I feel so badly for his wife, this is truly a devastating time for her.  I have heard Dr Drew's warnings about showing this man compassion, and that he feels he could be at risk of harming himself, but I disagree.  This man is far too much in love with himself to take his own life.  If he actually did, it would be out of error not mind, seeking more attention than he has already garnered he might make an attempt, but a final result would be accidental.
Mrs. "Wiener" (that should have been her first clue) has to get down and scrape the bottom of their proverbial barrel, and ask herself one question..."Can I accept that my husband WILL continue to behave badly, and be unfaithful".  It's a simple yes or no...she can or she can't.  It sounds callous I know, but it's the most honest way to approach this.  That way it's not so disappointing when he fails the monogamy test again. Dr.  Phil says..."the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour".Wiener will be the baby's father irregardless of whether or not he lives in the home, or down the block. Where ever he is, that she is honestly most comfortable with, is what she needs to do.  Hanging out with Hillary may not be the best place for her should she choose to set healthy boundaries with her husband (something that I've been useless at).  She needs to be totally clear about what she wants and he must suck it up for as long as it takes! Wow...I'm glad I got that off my chest (clothed)!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Little Caylee Anthony

Remains identified as missing toddler Caylee Anthony

As Father's Day approaches, another anniversary, this one filled with sadness, approaches, in the form of 3 years since little 2 year old Caylee Anthony's decaying body was found.  Almost 5 weeks from her questionable disappearance, her mother, Casey, advised authorities that her daughter had gone  missing  along with a babysitter, who it soon became aspparent, did not exist.! The tale is a long a winding road to perdition, and not only is the Mother suspect, but additional members of the family are also under suspicion.  The macabre story eeks out over days and weeks in a courtroom, where mother Casey, sits motionless and flat, listening to the forensic accounts of dogs identifying the stench of human decay both in her own car, and beside the children's playhouse in the yard.
She is stoic, while others wince as the sickly sweet scent of human decay is described...a smell now associated with her innocent little child.  What really happened?  The lies this woman (I use that term loosely) has told, fall down around her like a dense curtain waiting to swallow her whole, separating her from the real humans in the jury box..  It's cold where she sits, pale and expressionless.  How could she continue to exist, knowing what she's done?  Leaving her little daughter to rot, while she danced and drank her time away.  I couldn't stand to be breathe...and yet she smiles!!  The trial is televised and I MUST stop watching it!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Where are the comments?!!

As my sister kindly pointed out to me, in my attempt to "spice up" the comment area of this blog...(the first rearranging I've done in I recall why!) I have offered you the opportunity to email this post; share this post on facebook; link this post to who knows what or why; "digg" this post whatever that means, and do virtually anything to it, anywhere, and anyhow BUT cannot make a comment!!!!!!.............I'm working on it!