As you know if you read this blog, I am ill, and have been for a long time...but before Fibromyalgia, I was quite a bit more active than I am now. My Bi Polar also gave me a bit of an edge on the quirky side of active, but I always imagined that once my kids were raised I would go off on exciting adventures...may be to Africa or somewhere exotic. Now I'm lucky if I get to walk the trails out in the back acreages behind my house! Anyway...this new Nestea Commercial is kind of what I had in mind for my older years.....okay I wouldn't jump off a cliff (unless I was suicidal) but check it out and see if it's as close to your retirement plan as it is to mine! Also, as an after thought, diet Nestea (Green) is 0 calories and sweetened with.....No...not aspartame....Splenda :) !!! It is my new cold drink for my sore throat! Hopefully I will lose some of the weight I gained drinking Canada Dry Ginger Ale :(
I am a single mother fighting fibromyalgia, heart disease, depression, and social anxiety. This page allows me to talk about politics, the state of the world, my passions and dreams about building a tiny house, without ever having to leave my GREAT is that! Welcome!
Well done Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean, who made a statement while in Kigali, Rwanda, offering an apology for the world who took so long to resp...
As you see I have made some changes to the blog, and now I have changed them back!! It will take me some time to get all the gadgets floati...
So I'm sitting here, watching the snow gently fall following a January thaw, and playing on my computer...but I sense that I am being wa...