I am a single mother fighting fibromyalgia, heart disease, depression, and social anxiety. This page allows me to talk about politics, the state of the world, my passions and dreams about building a tiny house, without ever having to leave my home...how GREAT is that! Welcome!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Just chillin with the Cops! You go Girl!!!
So, here's the family (we Gardner's) warning my sister to "get out of Dodge" for the weekend, and avoid all protest areas....and what is she doing?...HANGING OUT WITH THE COPS!!! What a woman...the more things change the more they stay the same...that is soooo true about Angela!!! When we both were kids, we couldn't wait for The Ex in the summer...but for different reasons...I just liked to hang out, do the games, shop etc., but Angela was a serious ride girl. The bigger the better...the scarier they were, the more she wanted to ride them....meanwhile when I was about 8, I screamed so loud, and for sooo long on a "kiddie coaster" that they stopped the whole thing just to get me off!!!! Also, on a family trip across the United States we, of course, stopped at the Grand Canyon, and Angela scared us all to death by going as close to the edge as possible without falling off. I thought my Mother was going to have a heart attack! So it's really no surprise that she attended the edge of "protester place"! It would have been more unusual had she not....but there is one thing that my sister is truly terrified of.....3 Mexican men with violins!!!!! I'll let her explain that one!! Glad you're safe Angela!!
The last flight of Charlie's Angel
On June 25th, 2009, we lost one of the most beautiful women of our time. We might not have noticed, as her death was overshadowed by that of Michael Jackson's. She was not only very pretty, but she was also very intelligent, not that we knew or admired her for that. As women, we probably either envied her, or tried to emulate her... or both...she was, after all, the "Woman on the wall" of all the boys we knew and loved!!
Big hair was everywhere, and the curling irons and hairspray were "must haves" if you hoped for male attention! We loved Charlie's Angels, and I don't recall Farrah only being there for a year. I remember being disappointed when Farrah left, and it took a while before Cheryl Ladd was more than a second rate replacement for the real angel. If you say "Charlies Angels"....you still think Farrah Fawcett and not Cheryl Ladd...she made the show. But then she seemed to disappear from the limelight, and until the "Burning Bed", she was almost forgotten. Once she burned her abusive husband to death, she was back on top! Anyone who ever had an angry spouse, could relate to her rage!
So it seems strange that this icon could pass on without much recognition of her death. All the networks had their stories prepared....time slots set to deliver her eulogy...stills and video ready to roll...knowing that her time was short. She still had a message for us all. A message about battles, and cancer, and staying the course...powerful stuff...until Michael Jackson shocked the world by dying at an unscheduled time and place, and at an earlier age, with a much sexier story line than anal cancer. Sorry, but sometimes we all make me so mad!
We still remember you Farrah, and remember you fondly, and the most important people in your life were with you when you left...and that's what really counts.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Who Killed the King of Pop?
Today is the 1 year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, and of course there are all sorts of commentaries about his life, his scandal, his struggles with drug dependency, and mostly his sudden death, that came as such a shock to everyone who ever knew of him and his music. When he died, I must admit that my mind was most focused on the boys who had said that MJ sexually abused them...and some of the boy's, like Macaulay Caulkin(?sp), who said he didn't, but then displayed lots of the characteristics of an abuse survivor. I wondered what they were thinking and feeling. They would likely be ambivalent, and that would be understandable...ambivalence and self loathing are the cardinal signs...but I hope that those around them did, and continue to, support them appropriately as they cope with the revised version of the memories of MJ as they will continue to morph over time.
Today when I was watching the synopsis of his life, suggestions of a conspiracy and his memorial service where they sang "No more cryin now we are going to see the King"...I was a little confused as to whether they were referring to God or to MJ...maybe that was just me...but it reminded me of this song I knew as a child...
"Who killed Cock Robin?" "I," said the Sparrow,
"With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin."
"Who saw him die?" "I," said the Fly,
"With my little eye, I saw him die."
"Who caught his blood?" "I," said the Fish,
"With my little dish, I caught his blood."
"Who'll make the shroud?" "I," said the Beetle,
"With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud."
"Who'll dig his grave?" "I," said the Owl,
"With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave."...
All the birds of the air fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,
When they heard the bell toll for poor Cock Robin. ...( you can fill in your own cast of characters!)
So who killed cock robin ? The King of Pop, died of an overdose of anaesthetic used to treat his insomnia. At least that is what has been summarily reported, but apparently there is some dispute as to his cause of death, and on the eve of the 1st anniversary of his death, lawsuits have been filed by Jackson's father (who Jackson hated!) against the "This is it" corporation, as well as Dr. Conrad Murray who administered the medications to Michael, and was present at MJ's death (although he refused to sign the death certificate, despite the fact that MJ was already dead before he ever left his home)...so did Dr. Murray kill him?....apparently the family has more sinister beliefs than a mere medical error...there are emails where Dr. Murray had requested medical monitors, and a nurse...all of which were not delivered by AEG ... it is the families belief, although not clearly stated, that Mr. Ortega, AEG and all the producers of "This is it" were worried that MJ wasn't coming to rehearsals, and that MJ had explained that he needed Kenny Ortega to "build the house and he would come and paint the door" but AEG weren't buying it. There are conflicts about whether or not MJ was fit enough to perform 50 concerts...the autopsy showing multiple health problems including bronchitis, brain swelling and other health issues that definitely would affect his ability to perform. Just before writing this I watched "This is it "on HBO. Taken from sections of rehearsal tapes, and blended together artfully, you got the flavour of what this show could have been...but it was also pretty obvious to me that he was not in peak performing condition, as he constantly downgraded his level of performance claiming he needed to "save his voice", which was also repeatedly off key or non existent. I think if I had been the CEO of AEG, I would have been worried too! But I fail to see how MJ dead would be more profitable to AEG, than alive. Was there some insurance taken out on Jackson to secure their investment? It's also not clear whether it was MJ that wanted a personal physician, or AEG ... the contract for Dr. Murray's services and conditions there of remained unsigned by Jackson....why?
So my take on this day, after viewing "This Is It"? It is very sad that a man with such talent could be so screwed up...but that fits the bill for our artists, and the perilous journey that most travel to get there. As much as I can't really say I like the man, listening to his music tonight raised my spirits, and started me dancing, singing, and generally enjoying it. His talent is undeniable. What a waste of talent and life.
So "who killed The King" Michael Jackson? Will we ever know the truth about him...his life, and his death? Highly unlikely! But his music will live on, and bring joy to his listeners...and "This is it" would have been one heck of a show!!
Today when I was watching the synopsis of his life, suggestions of a conspiracy and his memorial service where they sang "No more cryin now we are going to see the King"...I was a little confused as to whether they were referring to God or to MJ...maybe that was just me...but it reminded me of this song I knew as a child...
"Who killed Cock Robin?" "I," said the Sparrow,
"With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin."
"Who saw him die?" "I," said the Fly,
"With my little eye, I saw him die."
"Who caught his blood?" "I," said the Fish,
"With my little dish, I caught his blood."
"Who'll make the shroud?" "I," said the Beetle,
"With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud."
"Who'll dig his grave?" "I," said the Owl,
"With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave."...
All the birds of the air fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,
When they heard the bell toll for poor Cock Robin. ...( you can fill in your own cast of characters!)
So who killed cock robin ? The King of Pop, died of an overdose of anaesthetic used to treat his insomnia. At least that is what has been summarily reported, but apparently there is some dispute as to his cause of death, and on the eve of the 1st anniversary of his death, lawsuits have been filed by Jackson's father (who Jackson hated!) against the "This is it" corporation, as well as Dr. Conrad Murray who administered the medications to Michael, and was present at MJ's death (although he refused to sign the death certificate, despite the fact that MJ was already dead before he ever left his home)...so did Dr. Murray kill him?....apparently the family has more sinister beliefs than a mere medical error...there are emails where Dr. Murray had requested medical monitors, and a nurse...all of which were not delivered by AEG ... it is the families belief, although not clearly stated, that Mr. Ortega, AEG and all the producers of "This is it" were worried that MJ wasn't coming to rehearsals, and that MJ had explained that he needed Kenny Ortega to "build the house and he would come and paint the door" but AEG weren't buying it. There are conflicts about whether or not MJ was fit enough to perform 50 concerts...the autopsy showing multiple health problems including bronchitis, brain swelling and other health issues that definitely would affect his ability to perform. Just before writing this I watched "This is it "on HBO. Taken from sections of rehearsal tapes, and blended together artfully, you got the flavour of what this show could have been...but it was also pretty obvious to me that he was not in peak performing condition, as he constantly downgraded his level of performance claiming he needed to "save his voice", which was also repeatedly off key or non existent. I think if I had been the CEO of AEG, I would have been worried too! But I fail to see how MJ dead would be more profitable to AEG, than alive. Was there some insurance taken out on Jackson to secure their investment? It's also not clear whether it was MJ that wanted a personal physician, or AEG ... the contract for Dr. Murray's services and conditions there of remained unsigned by Jackson....why?
So my take on this day, after viewing "This Is It"? It is very sad that a man with such talent could be so screwed up...but that fits the bill for our artists, and the perilous journey that most travel to get there. As much as I can't really say I like the man, listening to his music tonight raised my spirits, and started me dancing, singing, and generally enjoying it. His talent is undeniable. What a waste of talent and life.
So "who killed The King" Michael Jackson? Will we ever know the truth about him...his life, and his death? Highly unlikely! But his music will live on, and bring joy to his listeners...and "This is it" would have been one heck of a show!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Toronto's SEXY News
Toronto News gets Sexier! So earlier I made some off the cuff remark about news in the US being "sexier" than here in Canada...well I have been proved wrong as the news begins to report on the prequels to the G8 and G20 summit as seen in the above video link. So Toronto is now swarming with some 5000 Police, and there are metal fences, concrete barricades, and a general sense of pending doom as the city recalls images of the damage caused in previous host cities, and prays that their fate will be different. Along with the usual dignitaries will come a massive assault of protesters...."professional protesters" as my father says...a whole lot of raw emotion...pent up frustration...and probably a bit of "out of country" hey day...after all it's not their own city they'll be trashing! The America is watching all this with great concern...it is certain that any and all bombs or assaults of any kind are specifically designed to harm the President of the United States!...isn't there anyone else in the world worth assassinating...poor man...hasn't he dealt with enough during his term?!! Maybe the Brits will lend us Tony Hayward for a few days, and send him to the summit...or parade him around the streets of Toronto for all the environmentalists to lambaste?...or how about a General McChrystal pie throwing contest...there are endless alternative entertainment possibilities resulting in less pain, and much more fun! I really have no affection for Toronto...I stayed there briefly with my sister and son of 6 months, and it terrified me! The subway tried to swallow us whole, and everything moved 10 times more quickly than is safe for one's sanity (I had just come from Vancouver Island...place for the newly wed and nearly dead...I loved it!)...even walking on the sidewalks with a baby strapped to my chest was appallingly physical...the only thing that kept us alive was the constant performance of CPR on each other provided by the brutal passer's by!! Whew! Anyway just because I don't like TO, doesn't mean I want to see it destroyed...My sister lives there, and I think I'd like to keep her!! KEEP SAFE ANGELA!
Runaway General!!
The link above contains the Rolling Stone article that will most likely change a man's life forever. It may seem unfair that a career full of achievements could be dashed by a few stray words and sentiments that should have been privately aired among devoted allies rather than spread accross a paper headlining "Runaway General". But, choices are made, and the consequences follow...my reaction to the article...
I am shocked and awed by General McChrystal's most public guffaw, and find it difficult to connect the image of a well decorated, and highly revered General, in charge, and exerting influence over much of the war in the middle east, and all the soldiers who are fighting in it, with this beer (with lime) slewing...locker room sweat talking...bearing your b---s without shame, type of conversation! It defies logic, that this man is both "wise" and an idiot at the same time! Sometimes people can become too "self assured", to the point where they become a hindrance rather than an asset to their cause. That time has come for General MacChrystal, and I will be even more perplexed should President Obama not acknowledge this with a decision to fire McChrystal. The last thing this man needs is any affirmation that he is indispensable. If he were...dead, the war would continue on and someone new would lead it...let's pretend he's dead!....
At time of Posting General Petreus has been chosen to replace General McChrystal, following his "resignation"!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day
Well it's Father's Day again, and I have the opportunity to share Dad stories in honor of him ( not that I can't every day but...)! My sister and I are adopted, and I learned recently that in the case of my sister, Mom and Dad were allowed to roam around the babies and "pick" the one they wanted...hence Angela! Unfortunately some 3 years later the protocol had changed and they were no longer allowed to pick, and therefore I was somehow "delivered" into their lives, sight unseen! My sister often jokes that my real name is "Ignazia Bluntz" and my real family is waiting for me in Bolivia!!! The funniest card I've ever received! Also, my Dad had hoped for a boy, but my Mom was worried that she wouldn't know what to do with one of those! In retrospect Mom, I think boys are much easier to raise! So lucky for me, I was picked by someone and delivered into the Gardner home. Also lucky for Dad, I wasn't a "girly girl" which enabled us, a special bond. As small children it was Angela who insisted on changing her outfit 3 and 4 times a day, while I wore other peoples much larger coats, hanging off me, home from school, much to my Mother's frustration! My Dad read books...I read books...he gave me a precious gift that I still have "the Once and Future King",...a prized possession. My Dad loved tennis...and I liked tennis!!! We spent many, many, many hours on the tennis court...Dad with a seemingly endless supply of tennis balls, launching them at me and crying out "swing now"...with no result! But eventually I did hit the ball, and we did play tennis together for many years. I think that Dad had a secret wish that I would become the next Yvonne Goulagong, and we would travel the world winning every Open...but that was not to be! I lacked one critical thing...a competitive nature!! The more critical the game...the more inept I became!!! Sorry Dad!!!
But there was more...Dad loved nature and gardening, and I had a passion for plants and animals. While my sister's dresser was supplied with an array of makeup; ornaments; brushes; and the like...mine was covered with plants, and a large cage containing a dove, that insisted on waking every morning just before dawn!! My bedside lamp was made from a bottle with a goldfish in it, and at this point I was a wiley teenager, staying out late on Saturday nights despite my ongoing 6:00 a.m. tennis games on Sunday. Dad would knock on my door, and deliver my morning tea (can you believe it...how good is that!) and tell me that I had 30 minutes! I'm sure the accumulated alcohol fumes in my room must have reached toxic limits by the time he opened the door...but he never said a word...just "get up"! I don't know how I managed to do it, but we would go out into the icy air and drive off the to indoor courts...not yet warmed. Sometimes |I would make an excuse that I'd left something in the car and go off behind the building and vomit, then return and play. We were playing doubles at the time, with another Father and daughter team. I think Caroline was a bit more competitive than I...but "the Dads'" were insane!!!!As painful as it was at the time, it is a fond memory for me, of special time my Dad set aside just for us.
When I was 17, and wound up pregnant, my Dad was I'm sure mortified...but over the months that ensued both he and Mom settled into a "reality show" numbness. I thought I knew everything, of course, and although nervous about giving birth, and giving my child up for adoption, I was certain I could handle it. My Dad knew better. The night I went into labour, I called him, and said we were going to the hospital (which was about 30 minutes away). My boyfriend promptly fell asleep as my labour progressed out of control. I was only allowed one person with me, and the next thing I knew it was Dad sitting beside me, as I screamed out in pain. The baby was breech, and they couldn't give me anything for pain because they thought they might have to do a C section....at least that's what they told me. As freaked out as I was, I'll never forget the look in his eyes. As a typical teen, I had only thought of my own pain...but there in his eyes I could see that everything I was going through was mirrored in intensity in his face...because he couldn't stop it for me. He recently told me that when he went home he simply cried and cried. I'm sorry I put you through so much. There's so much more to say but most importantly is that My Dad loved me then, and loves me now, and I never once doubted it. I hope you know Dad how much you mean to me, and all those boys I made you!!!! Love you Dad...Happy Father's Day!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Tony Hayward Tells All!!!!!
The saga of the Gulf Oil Spill continues on, day by painful day, as it will for probably many months or years to comes. We'll get bored as time goes by, and the struggles of the people and the animals will be overtaken by some other tradgedy sure to come. The anger will ebb...the intensity of emotion wane, the focus blurr into obscurity...like Haiti! How is Haiti now? Do we know?...Has the damage from Katrina ever been resolved yet? I don't think so! But that is the reality of our human condition. The tradgedy with the best photojournalist wins! That's a huge responsibility for a camera! Yesterday the camera was on the CEO of BP Mr. Tony Hayward, and the result really was no surprise. If Congress was looking for a "Tell All" they should've called on Kathy Giffin, since they got nothing out of Mr. Hayward.
He has a gift of being able to remain absolutely still, with facial features frozen in a sneer, and blinking only occaisionally while staring at his interrogators. I would liken him to an oversized Iguana, but even they stick their tongues out occasionally...something I'm certain was in Hayward's mind to do...but resisted on the basis of expended energy rather than good breeding!It was a farce of the grandest proportion...but in his defense (not that there is one) it occurred to me when the senators stated that BP had the highest record of safety violations...upwards of 700 as compared to BP's competitors who had 1 or 2 in the same time frame...why did the US Government give BP permission to drill a worm hole let alone a deepest of deep oil well?...Hmmmmmm
![]() |
Are We Done Yet? |
As the CEO of BP, you would imagine that he would be a man of wisdom...but it seemed obvious yesterday that knowledge of his company's activity is not required!
Mr. Hayward was shameless in his repetative acknowledgements that...He knows nothing; He heard nothing; He saw nothing; He said nothing!His affect was clear in conveying his absolute arrogance and distaste at being called to answer questions that he had no intention of answering.

Monday, June 14, 2010
Death be not Proud
A year has passed...it is the anniversary of Neda's tragic death during protests in Iran, and the beginning of my blogging journey. Man I was really reved up, a torrent of thoughts racing around in my head, and nowhere to put them...couldn't sleep, couldn't relax, couldn't be still...and that was with the lithium!!!! Being high is kinda crazy, but it comes on slowly so that you don't really notice until your sleep deprived!! Checking out my blog entries it's only been twice this year that I've been flying, and no super sads, so that's really good for me. Flying can be fun if there's control (lithium) to keep from skyrocketing up into space, or spending tons of money you don't have!! It's the "super sads" that are extremely dangerous and had become increasingly severe, to the point that when entering the pit there was definitely doubt as to whether or not I'd be making a return trip. I don't know if anyone will ever read this, who has had someone they love kill themselves, but I want you to know that when you're that ill, it's not about any specific thing anymore...it's just about the fight, and not having the strength to do it anymore...the struggle is inside, and it takes allot of strength to reach outside of yourself and go through the process of getting help...for some people, sometimes that's just more work than they have in them. I've heard people say "I should have known...I should have done something"... but we can be masters of deception...most of us have been playing this game for the larger part of our lives and know how to make it through a Church service, dinner, or brief chat on the corner. It's not your fault.
Anyway, back to the anniversary thing. Neda died a year ago in the riots in Iran, and the video of her death... so short... so brutal, is forever the emblem of that uprising. She was there, and in the blink of an eye she was gone...her life's blood literally flowing out of her. We didn't know anything about her...nothing...and in the moment that she died she became like a lost sister, or daughter or friend whom we all had lost. The whole world mourned her, so touched by the seconds of video off a camera phone. Life is uncertain.
Anyway, back to the anniversary thing. Neda died a year ago in the riots in Iran, and the video of her death... so short... so brutal, is forever the emblem of that uprising. She was there, and in the blink of an eye she was gone...her life's blood literally flowing out of her. We didn't know anything about her...nothing...and in the moment that she died she became like a lost sister, or daughter or friend whom we all had lost. The whole world mourned her, so touched by the seconds of video off a camera phone. Life is uncertain.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Arkansas Flash Flood Disaster
I have made an error! My last post stated that there were 20 victims of yesterday's flash flood, but that number is reduced to 16, then up to 18 today. I wonder if they will ever really know how many people have perished, since there were either few records, or the records were washed away in the flood. The article (linked to title) speaks of an 18 wheeler being wrapped around a tree...roads chewed up and spat out...and families tying themselves to trees. It is eerie that after more than a day, they have only found 80 people out of the possible 300 who could have been there that night. Where on earth are they all? When man made disasters occur, it's easier to direct your emotion to the cause, as with BP and the oil spill. But when it's a natural disaster you're really only left with the pain, and no answers as to why. Lots of "what if 's" and "if only's", and a renewed urgency for people to have weather alert monitors...but in the valley I wonder if radio signals would have reached them. It's times like these when it would be awesome to have a "hot line" to God for reassurance that these children didn't suffer, that somehow they were scooped up into His mighty hands, before the agony and terror began. I understand that He gave us choices, and that our free will, and the collective world's free will, all have consequences, but I find it hard to get the image of small children, caught in their tents, being washed away, and perhaps torn from their parents arms. Perhaps there are people, young and old, who are out there in the wilderness, waiting for someone to reach out and cradle them in their arms. I have a vivid imagination, and that can sometimes be a burden!!! This makes me very sad for all those families.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Albert Pike Flash Flood Disaster
This morning, at about 5:00 a.mm., a flash flood devastated a campground at Albert Pike, Arkansas, and has killed at least 20 people. The following video is a family vacation flick taken in 2009...hopefully these girls weren't camping by the stream this morning. What a beautiful, picturesque place, and what a fateful end to a beautiful day. There could have been as many as 300 people camping there, and there is no record to ascertain who they could or should be looking for. Trees were uprooted, trailers swept down stream, cabins destroyed....and children....many children, enjoying "family" time. My heart is so sad for all who have been, and will be, affected. You just never know what the day ...or night...will bring.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
When U step in it... and it stinks... u know it's BP (Bull Poop)
What would you call someone who hides truth; manipulates facts when they are produced; blatantly misrepresents consequences; and attempts to alter access to news which shares negative details of themselves and their organization?...
The ONLY way this thing is going to be addressed honestly and openly is by removing BP executives from the equation. BP is not the only giant on the planet that can handle this situation...but have them pay the bill for the best minds in the industry to "save the day", as much as it can be saved, without all the ulterior motives and corrupt activities. Just get it done.
What would you call someone who hides truth; manipulates facts when they are produced; blatantly misrepresents consequences; and attempts to alter access to news which shares negative details of themselves and their organization?...
Why does it seem so difficult to speak the truth and call a spade a spade....Tony Hayward and Doug Suttles have Doctorates in deception...they have taken the art of "keeping a straight face" to new levels of accomplishment. This achievement is not only reprehensible, but also absurd. Do they really think that they can just "speak garbage" and it will become truth...that we are so very, very stupid, that we can't understand that when the President of the U.S. flies down to the beach, and BP drops 300 "gag ordered Molly Maids" on the site an hour before his arrival, and whisks them away just after he's gone, that they are mocking all of our sensibilities?
That when they say that "respiratory protection is not required" for Joe and Jenny who are cleaning up the marshland... and then spray water all over the immediate spill site to reduce "dangerous vapours" (according to Admiral Thad Allen)...well which is it...dangerous or not? When Joe and Jenny get sick, BP says it's food poisoning...now that the ink is dry on all those waivers they had them sign! Who needs a mask anyway right?!
Now they tell us that the Top Kill has been successful, and is capturing lots of oil...but when they are forced to provide access to high def video (that they've had all along) when the American Government scientists examine it they discover that in great contrast to what BP says...it is actually spewing more oil now than it was before!!!
Finally today Obama is starting to get tougher by indicating something to the effect that he wants to know
"whose ass to kick"...
how can he not know whose ass to kick?!!
As if a final parting joke, BP has purchased the search words "Oil Spill" from Google and Yahoo... because they think we are all too stupid to look past their propaganda and pick a REAL news provider!
The ONLY way this thing is going to be addressed honestly and openly is by removing BP executives from the equation. BP is not the only giant on the planet that can handle this situation...but have them pay the bill for the best minds in the industry to "save the day", as much as it can be saved, without all the ulterior motives and corrupt activities. Just get it done.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Grande Manipulation
From the film "Doubt"...Father O'Rourke gives a sermon following being accused of molesting a schoolboy by Sister Aloyicious....
....and I would dearly love to be there to hang the rock!
I know that sounds really harsh, but it is so hard to be in a world that generally sets such low standards, and yet truth is a dirty word.
A woman was gossiping with her friend about a man whom they hardly knew - I know none of you have ever done this. That night, she had a dream: a great hand appeared over her and pointed down on her. She was immediately seized with an overwhelming sense of guilt. The next day she went to confession. She got the old parish priest, Father O' Rourke, and she told him the whole thing. 'Is gossiping a sin?' she asked the old man. 'Was that God All Mighty's hand pointing down at me? Should I ask for your absolution? Father, have I done something wrong?' 'Yes,' Father O' Rourke answered her. 'Yes, you ignorant, badly-brought-up female. You have blamed false witness on your neighbor. You played fast and loose with his reputation, and you should be heartily ashamed.' So, the woman said she was sorry, and asked for forgiveness. 'Not so fast,' says O' Rourke. 'I want you to go home, take a pillow upon your roof, cut it open with a knife, and return here to me.' So, the woman went home: took a pillow off her bed, a knife from the drawer, went up the fire escape to her roof, and stabbed the pillow. Then she went back to the old parish priest as instructed. 'Did you cut the pillow with a knife?' he says. 'Yes, Father.' 'And what were the results?' 'Feathers,' she said. 'Feathers?' he repeated. 'Feathers; everywhere, Father.' 'Now I want you to go back and gather up every last feather that flew out onto the wind,' 'Well,' she said, 'it can't be done. I don't know where they went. The wind took them all over.' 'And that,' said Father O' Rourke, 'is gossip!'
...AND THAT is the most powerful weapon of the molestor...to manipulate those who are victimized, and those who are calling them to account. At the end of this film, which you should see if you haven't already, Sister Alyoicious says to Sister James that "I have doubts". Most would assume that her doubts are concerning Father O'Rourke's guilt...but that's not what she doubts...she doubts that the Organized Religion that she has pledged her life to is nothing more than a sham...not the "God First", faith and truth filled vision she signed up for...she doubts a Church that would reward a man who is suspected of at least "grooming" a young boy, by placing him into a more powerful position than the one he held, in order to move him out of the watchful eye of the Sister, who may not have direct evidence, but has her God given instinct ,which we are taught to ignore, in favour of a CSI investigation! If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...it's a duck. Unfortunately it's easier to exclude a duck from your house than a person! This is also what predators do. They presnt themselves in a friendly manner, with an affect of golden charms and then the battle is on to see how far they can push the limit, until you call them out on your suspicions. The circumstances are skillfully played so that there will always be a question of guilt or complicity...they count on that to hold you at bay...because, it seems, in our world, the slimy perpetration of seduction is not punished by law...It is not enough...never enough. As Jesus said ...(Mark 9.42-48; Luke 17.1,2
It will be terrible for people who cause even one of my little followers to sin. Those people would be better off thrown into the deepest part of the ocean with a heavy stone tied around their necks!
....and I would dearly love to be there to hang the rock!
I know that sounds really harsh, but it is so hard to be in a world that generally sets such low standards, and yet truth is a dirty word.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
When U can't do anything....just LAUGH!
First things first...Hey Tamara...Thank You for dropping in...hope you'll come again and share some of your own most entertaining moments!! Sorry it took so long for me to follow up, but the explanation follows...
Well, as it turns out, maybe I was a little premature in my announcement of return to brain activity!!!! I spent a great deal of time in bed...but not able to sleep. Matthew has also not been able to sleep so the days have been long, and I have sometimes been irritable, which I try very hard not to be. The state of our house inside, was driving be beyond frustrated, and I have been trying to catch up, with what energy I currently possess, and keep on top of Matt's vast trail of garbage, plates, wrappers, clothes...well you get the picture. So I had been doing quite well (I thought) and had even taken the kids to Youth in Brockville and doing some shopping (although limited because I started the process on empty!). I decided that I would repeat the process this Wednesday (youth group is 6 - 9). I dropped of the kids, and went on to do my shopping. An hour or so later, walking on aching feet with a throbbing face and head, I unloaded my purchases, and waited at the far end , loading the bags painfully back in the cart while wondering if I had any pain meds with me, as I've still got to unload them into the car, pick up the kids, unload kids and groceries at the other end, and put it all away!!! With this in mind, I congratulate myself that I have achieved so much on this day, and that I should be proud! You know what they say about pride?......It comes after the fall....
As I look for the pain pills that I do have, I find that what I don't have is...MY WALLET!
Enough said! Who else has done this?.....now come on....be honest!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!
Well, as it turns out, maybe I was a little premature in my announcement of return to brain activity!!!! I spent a great deal of time in bed...but not able to sleep. Matthew has also not been able to sleep so the days have been long, and I have sometimes been irritable, which I try very hard not to be. The state of our house inside, was driving be beyond frustrated, and I have been trying to catch up, with what energy I currently possess, and keep on top of Matt's vast trail of garbage, plates, wrappers, clothes...well you get the picture. So I had been doing quite well (I thought) and had even taken the kids to Youth in Brockville and doing some shopping (although limited because I started the process on empty!). I decided that I would repeat the process this Wednesday (youth group is 6 - 9). I dropped of the kids, and went on to do my shopping. An hour or so later, walking on aching feet with a throbbing face and head, I unloaded my purchases, and waited at the far end , loading the bags painfully back in the cart while wondering if I had any pain meds with me, as I've still got to unload them into the car, pick up the kids, unload kids and groceries at the other end, and put it all away!!! With this in mind, I congratulate myself that I have achieved so much on this day, and that I should be proud! You know what they say about pride?......It comes after the fall....
As I look for the pain pills that I do have, I find that what I don't have is...MY WALLET!
Enough said! Who else has done this?.....now come on....be honest!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!
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