Thursday, June 24, 2010

Runaway General!!

The link above contains the Rolling Stone article that will most likely change a man's life forever.  It may seem unfair that a career full of achievements could be dashed by a few stray words and sentiments that should have been privately aired among devoted allies rather than spread accross a paper headlining "Runaway General".  But, choices are made, and the consequences reaction to the article...
I am shocked and awed by General McChrystal's most public guffaw, and find it difficult to connect the image of a well decorated, and highly revered General, in charge, and exerting influence over much of the war in the middle east, and all the soldiers who are fighting in it, with this beer (with lime) room sweat talking...bearing your b---s without shame, type of conversation!  It defies logic, that this man is both "wise" and an idiot at the same time!  Sometimes people can become too "self assured", to the point where they become a hindrance rather than an asset to their cause.  That time has come for General MacChrystal, and I will be even more perplexed should President Obama not acknowledge this with a decision to fire McChrystal.  The last thing this man needs is any affirmation that he is indispensable.  If he were...dead, the war would continue on and someone new would lead it...let's pretend he's dead!....

At time of Posting General Petreus has been chosen to replace General McChrystal, following his "resignation"!!!

I remember why I watch CNN so much...the Americans Politics is rather like a Soap Opera!!! Very sexy and entertaining!!  We Canadians are soooo....well....quiet!!

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