Thursday, June 24, 2010

Toronto's SEXY News

Toronto News gets Sexier!  So earlier I made some off the cuff remark about news in the US being "sexier" than here in Canada...well I have been proved wrong as the news begins to report on the prequels to the G8 and G20 summit as seen in the above video link.  So Toronto is now swarming with some 5000 Police, and there are metal fences, concrete barricades, and a general sense of pending doom as the city recalls images of the damage caused in previous host cities, and prays that their fate will be different.  Along with the usual dignitaries will come a massive assault of protesters...."professional protesters" as my father says...a whole lot of raw emotion...pent up frustration...and probably a bit of "out of country" hey day...after all it's not their own city they'll be trashing!  The America is watching all this with great is certain that any and all bombs or assaults of any kind are specifically designed to harm the President of the United States!...isn't there anyone else in the world worth assassinating...poor man...hasn't he dealt with enough during his term?!! Maybe the Brits will lend us Tony Hayward for a few days, and send him to the summit...or parade him around the streets of Toronto for all the environmentalists to lambaste?...or how about a General McChrystal pie throwing contest...there are endless alternative entertainment possibilities resulting in less pain, and much more fun!  I really have no affection for Toronto...I stayed there briefly with my sister and son of 6 months, and it terrified me!  The subway tried to swallow us whole, and everything moved 10 times more quickly than is safe for one's sanity (I had just come from Vancouver for the newly wed and nearly dead...I loved it!)...even walking on the sidewalks with a baby strapped to my chest was appallingly physical...the only thing that kept us alive was the constant performance of CPR on each other provided by the brutal passer's by!! Whew!  Anyway just because I don't like TO, doesn't mean I want to see it destroyed...My sister lives there, and I think I'd like to keep her!! KEEP SAFE ANGELA!

1 comment:

Angela said...

A very intense weekend for sure. On the Friday night I arivd home and my stret was line with mediatrucks on one side and fire trucks cops on bicycles and buses and black vans that were full of cops in swat vests and baseball caps. Not the riot police, that was on Saturday. It seems that after the protesters were finished they had decided they were going to continue in Allan Gardens and set up tents and stay the night. Allan Gardens is at the bottom of my street hence the massive police presence. All in all it was a peaceful event and only attended by a few hundred. In fact the show of police was several hundred and more than the protsters themselves. Which was alright by me and my friend Kelly, cause who can resist several hundred buff Toronto cops on bikes who kept refering to us as "ladies" as we surveyed the scene. Dad had asked me to stay away from big crowds during the Summit so I respectfully just mingled with a small group of mellow protesters.