Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The last flight of Charlie's Angel

On June 25th, 2009, we lost one of the most beautiful women of our time.  We might not have noticed, as her death was overshadowed by that of Michael Jackson's. She was not only very pretty, but she was also very intelligent, not that we knew or admired her for that.  As women, we probably either envied her, or tried to emulate her... or both...she was, after all, the "Woman on the wall" of all the boys we knew and loved!!
Big hair was everywhere, and the curling irons and hairspray were "must haves" if you hoped for male attention!  We loved Charlie's Angels, and I don't recall Farrah only being there for a year.  I remember being disappointed when  Farrah left, and it took a while before Cheryl Ladd was more than a second rate replacement for the real angel. If you say "Charlies Angels" still think Farrah Fawcett and not Cheryl Ladd...she made the show.  But then she seemed to disappear from the limelight, and until the "Burning Bed", she was almost forgotten.  Once she burned her abusive husband to death, she was back on top!  Anyone who ever had an angry spouse, could relate to her rage!
So it seems strange that this icon could pass on without much recognition of her death.  All the networks had their stories prepared....time slots set to deliver her eulogy...stills and video ready to roll...knowing that her time was short.  She still had a message for us all.  A message about battles, and cancer, and staying the course...powerful stuff...until Michael Jackson shocked the world by dying at an unscheduled time and place, and at an earlier age, with a much sexier story line than anal cancer.  Sorry, but sometimes we all make me so mad!
We still remember you Farrah, and remember you fondly, and the most important people in your life were with you when you left...and that's what really counts.

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