Tuesday, June 8, 2010

When U step in it... and it stinks... u know it's BP (Bull Poop)


What would you call someone who hides truth; manipulates facts when they are produced; blatantly misrepresents consequences; and attempts to alter access to news which shares negative details of themselves and their organization?...
Why does it seem so difficult to speak the truth and call a spade a spade....Tony Hayward and Doug Suttles have Doctorates in deception...they have taken the art of "keeping a straight face" to new levels of accomplishment. This achievement is not only reprehensible, but also absurd.  Do they really think that they can just "speak garbage" and it will become truth...that we are so very, very stupid, that we can't understand that when the President of the U.S. flies down to the beach, and BP drops 300 "gag ordered Molly Maids" on the site an hour before his arrival, and whisks them away just after he's gone, that they are mocking all of our sensibilities?
That when they say that "respiratory protection is not required" for Joe and Jenny who are cleaning up the marshland... and then spray water all over the immediate spill site to reduce "dangerous vapours" (according to Admiral Thad Allen)...well which is it...dangerous or not?  When Joe and Jenny get sick, BP says it's food poisoning...now that the ink is dry on all those waivers they had them sign!  Who needs a mask anyway right?!
Now they tell us that the Top Kill has been successful, and is capturing lots of oil...but when they are forced to provide access to high def video (that they've had all along) when the American Government scientists examine it they discover that in great contrast to what BP says...it is actually spewing more oil now than it was before!!!
Finally today Obama is starting to get tougher by indicating something to the effect that he wants to know
"whose ass to kick"...
how can he not know whose ass to kick?!!
As if a final parting joke, BP has purchased the search words "Oil Spill" from Google and Yahoo... because they think we are all too stupid to look past their propaganda and pick a REAL news provider!

The ONLY way this thing is going to be addressed honestly and openly is by removing BP executives from the equation.  BP is not the only giant on the planet that can handle this situation...but have them pay the bill for the best minds in the industry to "save the day", as much as it can be saved, without all the ulterior motives and corrupt activities.  Just get it done.

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