Thursday, July 29, 2010

Courageous People In sickness and health

Just watched a documentary called "A Lion in the House" which follows some families who have a loved one in a "critical care" situation.  What is glaringly obvious is that their world's have changed completely, and usually by one critical event...or a shocking minute life is going along just fine, and your worried about the messy living room, and how much noise the kids are making, and the next minute none of that petty stuff fact even stuff that is important (such as paying your bills, and going to work) becomes the irritating noise in the back of your head, that's interfering with your ability to keep all your   focus on your child, or mother, or husband' or wife!!!!!! Everything around you fades is now about getting through the minutes, days, and hours. surviving the treatments and diagnoses and then more treatments.  I watched these family members doing all they could do to make their family safe, against this monster called illness and disease. I was awed at their ability to keep going...their ability to stuff all their fear, and emotion, way down deep where it can't infect their child, their brother, their father...and then put one foot in front of the other, every day, for as long as it takes.  Courage is all is in the eyes of the patient getting prepared to have that next treatment that they know will make them is in the eyes of the mother who holds down her child, despite the screaming, and maintains a calm demeanour while her heart is breaking, it is in the eyes of the doctor who enters the room with sadness in his eyes, but pulls himself together while he shares bad news with a patients family.
I am so blessed.  My children have all been healthy, and I feel as if I don't appreciate that gift enough.  I have taken it for granted and that must change.
How about it?  Do you take your health and that of your family for granted? Let me know what you think.

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