Friday, July 30, 2010

Moonlight Swim

Well it's six a.m. and I haven't been to bed yet!  Here I go!! Had my night meds including 2 sleeping pills but no luck.  Matt was in the same boat so at about 3:30 we took off down to the lake, and he went swimming and I walked the dogs and paddled.  The moon looked beautiful, it's beams dancing across the rippling water, sending out a sparkling light which I couldn't catch on camera, but I did try! We tied the dogs' leashes together, and attached a flashing bulb to Ollie's collar so we could keep track of the two of them even in the dark. That worked pretty well. We stayed for an hour, and then returned home.  Matt was certain that he wouldn't be able to sleep and we should both just stay up and go back to the lake come sun up.  Well I suggested that he might want to try to lie down, and sure enough now...Matt's sleeping...Ollie's sleeping...Dudley's sleeping....and me.....well I'm writing this post!!! The day is beginning, and the sun is shining.  I wonder what this day will bring, and how much of it I'll see!!!!!

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