The Associated press has recently released this article about the current situation in Sudan.

As the article demonstrates, the Sudanese Government led by President omar al bashir, continues to ignore Universal Disgust of the practices of genocide on the African people of Dar fur, and raises the finger at the UN and everyone in it, by systematically removing aid workers from Sudan, and jailing reporters who dare to share truth with the world, about his tyranny. Years upon years are going by, and nothing is being done to stop this. The Geneva Convention made it a crime against humanity to commit genocide, and we finally have called it "genocide" (how long did that take, and how many died before that title was issued) and still there is no action....Why? This Evil Tyrant has been charged with war crimes, but not arrested....why? I don't understand, in this era of communication, technology, and super sleuthing...why are people like this man, still walking the earth freely...Just like other terrorists at large, this man needs to be stopped. Is it just because his victims are poor black Africans?? If he were here in North America, practicing the same sort of evil, would we be so cavalier about it? Our voices should be crying end this man's practices and his life. There is no forgiveness for men like these...I truly believe that if we were in Old Testament times, the very hand of God would reach down on this man's head, and pop it, like the insignific ant pea that he is...and we would cheer and revel in his demise!!! Okay.....breathe!
Quite simply the destiny of Dar fur is in OUR hands.....what will we do?......
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