Saturday, July 24, 2010

Conversations with God

As anyone who has read my blog knows, I live with my 13 year old son, 5 birds, 2 dogs, and 1 very fat cat!  We also have an XBox live and a computer with Internet (obviously or I wouldn't be talking to you now!)..which means I do spend quite a bit of time on my own.  Over the years I've developed a habit of talking to God out loud...when previously I did it in my head.  As you also know, if you've read my blog, I am ill, so I don't get out much, but on the occasions that I do, my little habit can be disturbing to others...say in the line for the bank machine...while picking vegetables in the produce aisle...while walking my dogs down the street!!  People already think I'm, how did someone put it..."out there"...but apparently that was a compliment!!! Anyhew, I though that since I'm "sharing" with you I'd let you in on a conversation that I had with God just this morning following watching....what else...CNN!
It went something like this...

I hate this God...look at what's going on down you see it? Of course you do you're God...but every thing's upside down...all hell's breaking loose...heinous tyrants and child molesters run free while little children are dying of starvation in a world full of food....This is insane God!!  How can this're a "loving God"...can't we just feed the starving for awhile until the world sees how much better things could be if they got involved?...Just for a year...six months even?  People are getting millions and millions of dollars to make a movie...or play a game...come on us out here!!  What?...I know You gave us "free will"...but free will sucks (excuse my language) will is way out of hand!! You've got to rein us in Lord before we implode!...You can't?...You won' will again...I get it...but I don't like it!!  Okay let's look at things a little game show, and You're the Host...Adam and Eve had 2 choices....door #1...a peaceful place to live out their lives with no worries, wars, or starvation...or will!!! Eve talks to a snake and then the whole of civilization suffers. Okay God, they were CRAZY ...who in their right mind would pick that...what?...Oh yeah...lots of people as it turns out...and they think we're crazy!!  Well couldn't we just change things up a bit...You know the whole "reality" TV thing that's going on down about we create "Global Survivor" and You of course are still the Host.  Give us some little activity (not too strenuous...remember David and Goliath) and then we all get  to vote them off.....week #1...Osama Bin Laden...poof....week 2...Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ...poof...week 3....(you see where I'm going with this)...Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir...poof ...You said don't hide you're light under a'll snuff the suckers out with a coconut!!!!...Great plan eh?... Okay...I know what's coming's not up to us to take a life...You're doors...well one door right?  "Knock and the door will be opened"...But could You at least give me a hint about this "End Times" thing...I mean it's looking pretty darn bad....floods, famine, etc. and it's coming up on 2012?  just a little hint?  No?...What's that You say?....Just be to You later. Over and out!!!

And that's how it goes with us.  A little banter here, a little banter there...and a whole lotta soul searching in between!!!

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