Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Getting and loving Oliver

When you think of Chihuahuas….

You think “Paris Hilton”; prissy starlet toys; yapping; and shaking..lots of shaking! It’s silly…right? I mean, it’s not really a dog now is it? A real dog is a Labrador retriever, or a Shepherd…or at least that’s what I thought until I got a phone call from a friend of mine who was looking for a home for a recently troubled Chihuahua. It seemed that “Mommy” had a baby, and Mr. Chihuahua had become disgruntled with his demotion, and was displaying his displeasure by leaving little brown presents everywhere!! My friend, Darlene, knows that I am a sucker for animals (we share this aspect of personality), but she is married and requires full household cooperation for these kind of acquisitions…whereas I am not, and as a result share my house with my son Matt, 4 cockatiels, a budgie, a terrier mix, and, at the time, a beautiful Golden Retriever.

I said I didn’t know anyone that was interested in a Chihuahua, but I would ask around!

The next time I talked to Darlene about the chi, I asked if he was neutered, and she said “No he was not” so…I said I couldn’t take him because my dogs were fixed and he wasn’t.

The next time I talked to Darlene it was to confirm what day she would be bringing mr.chi home…immediately following his surgery (ouch…but thanks Dar!). Before I knew it, Darlene and Cierra (her beautiful young daughter), were at my door looking very concerned, and explained that the chi was hunckered down behind the accelerator, growling fiercely!!!! This I had to see, and followed them out to the car, blanket in hand, and finally met the newest member of our family. He looked at me…smiled with all of his teeth!...and mid growl, I dropped the blanket over him and scooped him out of the car!

Once uncovered, it took approximately 1 minute for the transformation to take place. Mine…not his!
HE IS SO DARN CUTE, RIGHT?! It is now perfectly clear to me what has happened to all those other silly chi owners…we have all been struck by the “Chi Factor”. Although I do not have the budget to acquire all those fine chi accessories…he does have 4 sweaters, one raincoat, a life jacket for kayaking, and a Harley Davidson collar, just to keep his male perspective balanced!
He snuggles with me under blankets, and gazes at me with those sweet orby eyes...and I don't care that he occaisionally relieves himself inside when it's really cold out there.  I don't want to go out either!!! I am besotted, and so is Matt, and basically every other member of our family and friends.....Oh...someone just called me abvout a daschound puppy....gotta go!!

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