Saturday, February 27, 2010

Unwilling Subjects...or are they?

I love to take pictures...and consequently I have alot of pictures of everyone else and very few of me....but that's okay... because I hate having my picture taken, and as you can see by the looks on Matt and Rebecka's faces...they are beginning to tire of it too....
but I'm not done yet!!!...
Because the more pictures you take....
the more real they become!!!...

and sometimes that can be scarey....

but mostly it's just fun!  Sorry Becka and Matt, but I had to do it!!and I know you forgive me already... don't you!?


Angela said...

Good Lord, I don't remember being blasted out of the stratosphere like this ever. Midtown Toronto, the Pilot Tavern, 9 TV sets , and a cast of hundreds . 2.30pm Sunday afternoon and a nail biting hockey game in Dad on the phone, two other friends via text and the rest of us booze in hand and fists in the air ...outstanding...Bite me USA

Unknown said...

It must have been SPECTACULAR in Toronto...the streets were flooded with fans...How awesome...Glad you could be there Angela!!!