It's when free speech starts to cost lives, that it becomes too expensive for me to tolerate. When families, and villages, and countries are ravaged with the notion being that somehow those peoples thoughts, faiths and values need to be extinguished we called it "colonization" but I thought we had learned from all that tragedy.
The reality may just be that "He who shouts the loudest wins", so we musn't be quiet in the face of injustice, even if we are Christians...Jesus shouted! Below is a refresher of the Charter.
Being Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS
[Enacted by the Canada Act 1982 [U.K.] c.11; proclaimed in force April 17, 1982. Amended by the Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983, SI/84-102, effective June 21, 1984. Amended by the Constitution Amendment, 1993 [New Brunswick], SI/93-54, Can. Gaz. Part II, April 7, 1993, effective March 12, 1993.]
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:
Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
Fundamental Freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.
Democratic Rights
3. Every citizen of Canada has the right to vote in an election of members of the House of Commons or of a legislative assembly and to be qualified for membership therein.Complete Canadian Charter of Rights
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