Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ideas on Terrorist Management!

Today I received another email from "JJ" (the lady whose email I found offensive, I told her I was offended, at which point she explained just how offended she was at my being offended, and in detailed language and so on...) who had reccomended that we not email each other again!!! J.J.shared another witty email suggesting that we develop an alternative to "body scanners" at airports and replace them with a device that simply blows you up if you are carrying explosives!!! Yes I found this's better in the email than my retelling of it, but then I thought how selfish of us to waste those explosives on just one person at a time.  My idea is to kidnap Kathy Griffin, stitch her lips with dissolving sutures, embed her briefly with the Canadian Armed Forces, and then have them launch her into Taliban Territory. Fifteen minutes with her and they will all give up, or kill themselves.
After all, it's our free speech that gave us Kathy Griffin...isn't it time to give back?!

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