"Who would have guessed that a letter from the University of Ottawa warning Anne Coulter not to be overly hateful when she speaks there would spawn a larger controversy? The answer is everyone, and everyone was correct. But before Coulter's event at the University of Ottawa yesterday, she first spoke at the University of Western Ontario on Monday. It was there that Coulter told a 17-year-old Muslim girl to "take a camel" if she didn't own a flying carpet — a reference to an old Coulter remark about what Muslims should do after being banned from flying on planes. It's "satire," Coulter later told Canadian television. "Where do these hate filled people come from?
Are they born this way or is there something in their water supply?
What has happened to Anne Coulter and Ezra "whatshis" name? (whose claim to fame is the Canadian Allah Cartoon Controversy) Who I assume, with the name Ezra, may be Jewish, and so should certainly know better if that is the case?
If they are both so darned passionate about Muslim Terrorists, and want so much attention directed to their cause, why don't they both just hop on a plane to the Middle East, where I'm sure one or two of our dedicated soldiers could take their leave, and they could get their little "hopped up" selves out to Taliban Territory where the real action is, instead of insulting Canadian teenagers with racial slurs and trying to start more conflict at home! Step up or Shut up!
Since when did "FREE SPEECH" ever be set out to mean that you have the legal right to spew hatred and incite violence without consequence?
You're makin me CRAZY!
1 comment:
To quote the Calgary women who walked out of her speech on Thursay..."It wasn't smart enough to be offensive"
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