I'm the last person to talk about accurate spelling...grammar...sentence structure....and as you see I usually utilize ... in the place of whatever proper grammatical structure should exist. |I once had an employer who literally drove me round the bend by nit picking every grammatical error in my 9 - 10 page reports and especially the use of "However" which I can no longer remember...I was just staring a new job which required lengthy assessments, containing the results of certain tests and how they related to each other etc. I was concerned that my assessments be accurate and "diagnostically" correct, however (!) this gentleman spent hours pouring over the documents i had spent hours writing (sometimes until the wee hours of the morning) and he returned them covered in highlighter, with comments like ..."please leave your mystery writing skills for your spare time unless you wish to save on daycare costs and spend more time with your son!" This because I left out the middle initial of a Physician in the first sentence, and you had to wait until you turned the page to find it in it's entirety on the second. This went on and on, and I repeatedly asked him if the "content" of my reports were satisfactory which he smilingly stated they certainly were. After 3 months of this, as the commenting and highlighting continued I finally broke down and quit! I just couldn't take it anymore. Anyway, that's not what's getting me going now!!!!
I am watching CNN (it's not Rick Sanchez show yet...I have to turn it off when he's on!) and they are talking about the oil slick approaching the coast, and the mystery surrounding why the automatic "off" thing didn't drop down. The journalist began to talk about the potentiality of this disaster...I'll say it again...the potentiality of the disaster. Every sore muscle in my body tensed and I lunged for the remote control to mute the dreaded words...Potentiality ?...Come on people...it's not a word..something either has the potential to damage or it doesn't have the potential...there's no 'ality required...I don't understand the current trend to add "ality" to everything...like...Functionality? It's either functional or it's not functional...or maybe it's functioning is going to change...leave the words alone people! Those words and all the other poor words that you now seem to feel need the benefit of "ality" on the end to work, were really just FINE before you messed with them! In fact people with normal brains have been using those words without "ality" for hundreds and hundreds of years...you're shortening every other word in the universe but these words....these words your have to slaughter...you have to force them now to drag around those extra three letters wherever they go! It's wrong people....Really Wrong!!!!................ okay...I'm better now!
I am watching CNN (it's not Rick Sanchez show yet...I have to turn it off when he's on!) and they are talking about the oil slick approaching the coast, and the mystery surrounding why the automatic "off" thing didn't drop down. The journalist began to talk about the potentiality of this disaster...I'll say it again...the potentiality of the disaster. Every sore muscle in my body tensed and I lunged for the remote control to mute the dreaded words...Potentiality ?...Come on people...it's not a word..something either has the potential to damage or it doesn't have the potential...there's no 'ality required...I don't understand the current trend to add "ality" to everything...like...Functionality? It's either functional or it's not functional...or maybe it's functioning is going to change...leave the words alone people! Those words and all the other poor words that you now seem to feel need the benefit of "ality" on the end to work, were really just FINE before you messed with them! In fact people with normal brains have been using those words without "ality" for hundreds and hundreds of years...you're shortening every other word in the universe but these words....these words your have to slaughter...you have to force them now to drag around those extra three letters wherever they go! It's wrong people....Really Wrong!!!!................ okay...I'm better now!
1 comment:
You know "Anon" you're absolutely right, and although I do occaisionally watch the BBC, and Canada AM, I don't get the continuous feed that comes from CNN...which is one sided and from an "American only" perspective. Do you have any reccomendations?
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