I have yet to see the movie "A dogs Purpose" but I know I'll love it if there are dogs in it, which I assume there are!
My history with dogs has always been profound and more stable than those with people! Their love is unconditional and they are always so happy to see you even if you've only been gone for a few minutes! I am ill so I'm at home most of the time. I suffer physical and emotionally painful periods
of time and my dogs are ALWAYS there to comfort me. We are the three Musketeers cuddled up on the love seat ( small but we all fit kind of!) keeping each other warm in winter and sweaty in summer!
Every move I make I am shadowed by my terrier Zimos...get coffee he's there...go to have a bath
( very small bathroom) he's there, go to the toilet he's there! I am part of the pack but not sure if I'm the pack leader according to the dog bibles of Cesar Milan but what the hell...it works.
A number of years ago I had decided that it was unfair to keep such a high energy dog with me being unable to run him everyday, resulting in him getting fat like me, and a little stressed out, also like me!
The answer was to rehome him somewhere he could have everything he needed.
Reluctantly I began the process to find a family for him and a lovely couple came into the picture. After sharing conversations and getting the answers I felt were conclusive, Zimos went to Westport to live by the water and be walked everyday etc. When they left with him I cried and cried but felt I had done the right thing.
That night I imagined the new life he was living and convinced myself that he was much better off. Later the next day I got a phone call to say that Zim had cried and howled the entire time they had him...he was miserable and they didn't feel he would be happy there...could they bring him back? BRING HIM BACK? YES YES BRING HIM BACK!
The reunion was joyful and according to this couple began the moment they turned onto our street escalating in intensity the closer they came to our house!
I love him, he loves me and we'll just have to get fat together!
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