Friday, May 5, 2017

You can build more houses but you can't make more land...

Which is the point of a new petition which made me aware that the government is talking about grabbing back the green belts for future development.
The problem is that at some point this drive to build bigger a bigger houses in bigger and bigger housing developments is going to crash and burn when the house you paid 1/2 a million dollars for is only worth $250,000, and the yard that house is on leaves only a shred of garden area for bees and birds and butterflies and squirrels and rabbits to live in and they start to vanish from our brick clad landscape!
What are we doing when we must drive 20 minutes to find a government funded piece of grass with a swing and a slide on Cat Stevens so eloquently sang...Where do the children play?
I'm tired of the SUV ads that depict these gas guzzling vehicles climbing mountains and driving through streams when really they're all parked at the grocery store 15 minutes from their homes!
Why are there rules that say you CANT live in a house under 400 square feet...there's lots of people doing it and leaving a tiny footprint on our lands but the rules say NO! Why? Get involved
by putting our names to petitions that will help to save our greenbelts and wetlands...our nature
Wow, glad I got that off my chest and I apologize to all SUV owners...but it's true!
Cat Stevens - Where do the children play?

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