Sunday, May 7, 2017

All things tiny...

seem to be cute right? Well that seems to hold true to Tiny Houses as well, at least I think so.
Tinies come in all shapes, sizes and styles from a simple caravan to a mass of shipping containers, to a tiny cottage, or a house on wheels so that you're always home no matter where you roam!
They cost less to build , although luxury houses can cost more than my present small old house ( 134 yrs old ) . They cost less to maintain, allowing owners to do more of the things they love rather than being a slave to a mortgage, and they cause you to take stock of what's really important in your life without the focus being on acquiring more "stuff" and the effect that has on your time. I wish for a tiny house on wheels so that no matter where my family is (presently 5 hours away), I can up and move closer in order to be a part of their lives rather than a mere visitor. I miss my children and grandchildren, and that's a big driving ( no pun intended) force in my interest in going tiny. So have a peek at this movement that is sweeping North America ( most prevalent in Portland Oregon ) and think about whether or not you could live tiny...maybe even off grid!