Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Alive could be an overstatement!

Since my initial mission for this blog was to try to be consistent in something you can see that has been a dismal failure! My apologies.
As I sit here pondering my existence and my future I must concede finally that I am not equipped to carry on. I lack both the physical and mental abilities to manage my life, and spiritually I have lost that full knowledge of Gods promises to me and the strength that gave me even when faced with death.
Anyone with a chronic illness knows that it's not just the patient that suffers, but all of those around them, and as time goes by it becomes taxing on them to the point of exhaustion, and not surprisingly desensitizing to the serious nature of the problems.  Even I have still to learn when I'm in deep trouble. It's hard to ask for help in a world where everything moves so quickly, lives so full of family and friends, all the special moments go by in a flash and they're gone and I've missed them.
I've made so many mistakes in my life and lived the consequences by blundering through and not dealing with the real issues.
So in closing I just want to urge anyone whose struggling to reach out and find one advocate who will stand by you and help you to stay afloat when your drowning in this muddled up mess of mental illness or any illness.
Sometimes you have to give up in order to get up. Not an easy thing to do!

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