Friday, May 19, 2017

White House's continued crisis...can Trump survive?

Every day there's a new disaster occurring within the White House under President Trump. It's so confusing I'm not sure if anyone can get it straight but I'm gonna try. Let me know if I've missed something!

Today as Donald Trumps' plane left the runway for his international tour new allegations reported in the New York Times states that Donald Trump, during his unorthodox meeting with the Russian's Ambassador and intelligence officer, not only did he reveal confidential information, he also told them that he had fired Director of the FBI Director Comey, calling him a "Nut job", and that it would take the pressure off the Mike Flynn and Russian investigation!

(In the midst of this crisis, Attorney General Sally Yates had approached the White House to inform them that she had concerns regarding the new National Security Officer General Michael Flynn.  She reviews information with the White House and is then asked to returns the next day where she offers to arrange an opportunity where they could review the documentation she had...this meeting never happens because between this meeting and the future meeting to review the information she is fired!)

During the furor of the revelation that Trump revealed highly classified information, Putin offered to release transcripts of the meeting, which was summarily ignored, but now you have to wonder whether that was a threat towards Trump that more than the revelation of classified information could be released!

So recap...Trump invites Director Comey to dinner alone ( making Comey uncomfortable) confirms
Comey will keep his job, then asks Comey for complete loyalty which Comey replies he will give
him honesty and loyalty to the constitution, not exactly what Trump asked for.
During Comey's testimony on the hill, about the Russian involvement in the Clinton campaign, Comey is asked about his decision to release a letter regarding reopening Hilary Clinton's
investigation and that it made him slightly "nauseated" to think he might affect the result of the election. This statement angered Trump's thin skin.

Next, Director Comey is asked by Trump to meet Trump alone where he asked Comey to "shut down" the General Mike Flynn investigation! Comey refuses and creates memos summarizing this meeting. These memos were distributed to his official office but also in safe areas with trusted people which was his general practice with events he felt uncomfortable about.  These memos have been
leaked to the New York Times and released. President Trump not happy! He tweets out, in summary, that Comey should be careful what he says in case there are "tapes" to verify what was said? Tapes!
Hmmm! More intrigue, is Trump bugging the  Oval Office?
 Last week ( was it last week?) Director Comey left for Las Angeles to make a presentation to FBI
recruits and in his absence Trump has a letter hand delivered to Comey's office firing him.  Comey learns about this via television in the room where he's speaking.  He leaves the room to call his office to find out if this is a joke? No joke.  He is now not only unemployed but also stranded in Las Angeles as he is now a civilian and cannot fly home on the government plane! The ultimate in humiliation. I'm certain Trump was grinning and wringing his hands with glee.  What could make him that vengeful just because he won't stop the Russia collusion investigation!?
Initially Trump blames Comey's firing on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's memo indicating concerns about Comey, then Trump overturns that statement. A few days later he says it was his decision because of the Russia investigation, then changes again back to blaming Rosenstein!

It seems that Russia has been successful in turning the United States Democracy into a joke as the White House spins around like a child's top with typically well respected officials defending Trump at
every end and turn resulting in the possible destruction of these men's reputations just as in Watergate.
The White House seems to be focusing more on the leaks of this information to the New York Tirather that Trump's unbelievable behaviour but today no one is denying this new information...not even Spicey!
To impeach Trump, intent to obstruct justice is the benchmark then to prosecution.  It seems we may be nearly there now.
Where will this end?

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